Jan 23, 2010


Here you can see that when you log on chobots you have the option of "big screen" And 2 new servers called "Pie City" and "Sky City"


Jan 22, 2010

Look chobots secret mod acc

He`s not a mod but he said in spaceship magic that he was chobot. Sorry for second pic I had to highlight the name and made a mistake and erase it.

Hey I made some updates on the blog

Hey, I made some updates on the blog!!! 1. New layout colors 2. New mixpod loaded with more than 20 songs 3. Deleted some old stuff     I am making more so I hope you like it :)

 Also I will be able to post more so yeah woot!!


Hi sorry for not posting

Hey guys !!!! My computer works now so I can post!!!! I have many updates for you :) But I cant put them all in one post so I`ll make a few posts with the updates.

Jan 20, 2010


Here is old photos from Wally party :)

This is Smirks house:

Look for me in this one:

                                                 Try to find me in this picture:

                                                  ~ Photos by me~ ~Wally~

almost 4000!!!

I just can't help but noticing that our Chobot counter said 3500 views!!!! So instead of having a 3500 party now we are gonna have a 4000 view party once we get there. SO I HAVE A MISSION FOR YOU!!~~ YOU SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT cho-dudes.blogspot.com AND WE CAN HAVE A BIG 4000 PARTY AND WE BE SURE TO TRY TO GET A MOD OR IF WE CANT ON 4000 WE WILL HAVE A 5000, SO SPREAD THE WORD!!! OH AND NEW POLE FOR AGENT AND MOD CHECK IT OUT ~WALLY~~LIGHTNINZ~

Hiki contest again...

You know the compition for the Hiki dress-up thing. Well we are gonna have one of your own. Just save this picture dress hiki up however you want and submit. The prize is nothing but it will be fun. The prize might be something if we can get some Mod to hold the compitition for this blog.

Lets see you design by submiting the picture in a comment
Good luck ~Wally~ (lightninz)

I got Bad News and Good News ~Wally~

Hey waz up its Wally, I got some good news bad news. Bad news is I can't recover Wallgreenz. The good news is my other account ( Lightninz ) is a citizen. So add him. Also Wallgreenz has a FACEBOOK just search Wallgreenz Chobot